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Export Options
PeZ has a simple export option to allow users to save filter data in
a Matlab data file (.mat).
To get to the export options, select Export Filter Data from the main
Pressing the export filter data button leads to the following Export
Save File Name: Pressing this button allows the user to select a
new file name.
Pole/Zero Variable Name: This determines the variable names used
in the data files.
Poly/Roots: Determines whether the coefficients are stored as Polynomials
or Roots. More Details.
Export to File: This uses the above parameters to save the file.
Note 1: Leaving the Variable and Poly/Roots fields to the defaults
allows for easier loading back into Matlab. If the user does not change
the defaults in the import from file and export windows, then loading and
saving is more automatic.
Note 2: Using Polynomials for saving is not always the greatest
of things since the factoring of a polynomial may not result in the expected
[ Intro Functionality
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Export ]
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