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Import Options
PeZ has a number of methods of communicating with the Matlab environment.
This communication allows users to better prod the filter data as well
as save the data for later use.
To get to the Import Options, select the Import Filter Data button from
the main window:
Selecting the Import Filter Data will set up a number of import options
for the user to choose from. The default import option is to Import from
Simple Data Values. There are currently four methods of importing:
Grab Filtdemo.
There is also a Matlab
command line
function for importing into pez.
Importing Simple Data Values
The simplest way to add values is to give the filter array coefficients.
The Import Values options appear as:
Pole/Zero Values: These values are the coefficients for the filter.
These values may be regular Matlab expressions to an extent, for example,
select roots and enter:
Pole Values:
Poly refers to polynomials. This means you wish
to enter the coefficients of the polynomial equation.
5*x(n) + 3*x(n-1) + 1*x(n-2) ==> [5 3 1]
Roots refers to the roots of the polynomial. These are generally
more accurate than polynomials.
x(n) - 3x(n-1) + 2x(n-2) = (x(z)-1)(x(z)-2) ==> [1 2]
Importing from File
The import from file option allows the user to load a Matlab file containing
filter coefficients. Selecting this option sets the display to the following:
File: This button selects the Matlab (.mat) data file to extract
the filter data from.
Pole/Zero Variable Name: These are the variable names used in the
data file to store the filter.
Poly/Roots: These determine whether the filter data arrays are Polynomials
or Roots. See above.
Filter Gain: Sets what the numerical gain of this filter is. Since
any imports are seen as cascading of filters, this will have the effect
of multiplying the overall gain of the filter.
Load from File: This executes the actual load. If there are problems,
errors will appear in the Matlab window.
Note: Matlab 4.2 and Matlab 5.x data files are not the same! I believe
you can load the 4.2 files with 5.0, but not vice versa.
Import [B,A]=
Since there are a number of filter commands in Matlab that return filter
coefficients in the form of [B,A], PeZ can import the results right into
the system. What PeZ does is make the call exactly as the user types it,
and tries to import the result straight into PeZ. The display appears as:
Example of what to place in the entry box:
[B,A] = butter( 5, 0.5, 'high' )
This will import a 5th order highpass Butterworth filter with cutoff
at pi/2.
Grab Filtdemo
Probably one of the most interesting things about PeZ is that it can interact
with other Matlab programs. There is a tool called 'filtdemo' that allows
users to graphically create different types of filters based on response.
Choosing the Grab Filtdemo in the import options of PeZ allows PeZ to examine
Filtdemo and grab its current filter. This can all be done by:
Start Matlab
Start PeZ by typing pez
Start Filtdemo by typing filtdemo
Design a filter in filtdemo
Go to PeZ and select the Grab Filtdemo from the Import Options
Manipulate the filter in PeZ and see what happens when you good up the
poles and zeros.
Currently there is no easy way to send the filter back to filtdemo, but
then again, there's not much point.
Command Line Import
PeZ also allows users to import filter data through a Matlab command line
program. The function is called
pzimport and has the following format:
are_roots |
Zeros Coefficient Vector
Poles Coefficient Vector
This Filter's Gain
0=B,A are Polynomials(Default)
1=B,A are Roots |
>> pzimport(B,A)
>> pzimport(B)
>> pzimport(B,A,5)
>> pzimport(B_root,A_root,8,1) |
Imports polynomials, gain of B(1)
Imports polynomial Zero vector, gain of B(1)
Imports polynomials with gain of 5(Ignores B(1))
Imports root vectors, gain of 8 |
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